
Stuck? Try Increasing Your Self-Awareness

Almost everyone who works with me has a strong belief in coaching. Inevitably, what they’re struggling with is that they know they could be doing better than they are. They have the skills, but they’re not yet stepping forward in the way they want to. They need to more clearly or deeply understand themselves so they can use that information to move forward in a more powerful way.

When working with these clients, I want to help them discover their gifts and more fully employ them, ultimately becoming better versions of themselves. Tools such as the Enneagram, NLP Personality Profile and Myers–Briggs Type Indicator assist in discovering how you perform in the world. This can be helpful for understanding how you get stuck and what to do about it—and in calling forth the higher version of yourself.

Beth has been studying the Enneagram to assist with the work we’ve been doing in Alaska. This tool can help individuals understand how their personality type influences what they do and the direction they move in, and it can help organizations better understand what motivates the people working for them.

When using tools like the Enneagram, it’s important to focus on how the information can help you, your clients and/or your employees interact more efficiently and not get caught up in the “dark side” of the information it reveals. For example, of the nine possibilities within the Enneagram structure, I’m a Seven, or “Enthusiast,” a personality considered to be spontaneous, versatile, acquisitive and scattered. I agree with this assessment, for while I am likely to see countless options presented by new opportunities, I tend to ignore or diminish the possible pitfalls. (Beth would definitely agree with this assessment!)

It’s important that I recognize these things about myself, and it’s helpful for those who work with me—and for those in a relationship with me—to understand as well. Indeed, having a meaningful marriage or relationship is one of the best personal growth vehicles available, and owning your own business is the other. These two things will consistently illustrate and call forth your best self and your problem self.

So if you want to get to know yourself better, try getting married or owning your own business! I imagine many of you have already discovered this. 🙂

Alternatively, if you are stuck and want to move your mission forward in a more powerful way, try a personality assessment tool. The insight you gain might be just what you need to get back on track.

If you have any questions about the WHY or the Enneagram, please let me know.

I like to collect stories about belief change experiences. If you have any interesting ones, let me know or post them below so I can comment on them in subsequent articles or posts.

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About Terry: Terry Hickey, M.S., is a Certified NLP Professional Coach, Business Trainer and Consultant, a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the co-owner of NLP Advantage Group. Originator of the Belief Breakthrough Method™, Terry specializes in teaching coaches and entrepreneurs how to rapidly resolve limiting beliefs about wealth and success. His tips and strategies can help you launch yourself into the future you want… NOW.

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